The Domaine des 3 Moulins is a vineyard, but also a Euro-Quebec archaeological site from the 19th century. Near Rivière-à -Matte, a first water-powered mill was built in 1690. Subsequently, a sawmill was built in 1725, then another in 1768. At the turn of the 19th century, therefore knows that a group of three mills - saw, grain and carding mills - stands on the banks of the river. In 1850, a new mill measuring 48 by 30 feet on three floors was built, this time by a man named Patton, who also built a quay on stilts of 1,500 feet where boats could dock. Patton grinds grains from the United States there, which allows him to ship the flour thus produced to England... without taxes and without even paying Lord's duties. Around 1854, manorial rights were abolished and Patton went bankrupt in 1856 and the land was seized by the sheriff. It was in 2001, when Monick Valois and Pio Bégin acquired the land, that the modern history of the vineyard began. Initially, it was with the intention of building a second home that the owners made this acquisition. All that remains on the property are two old chalets... and a pylon loaded with beach grapes. This was the initial inspiration. Since then, several tests have been carried out and key people have joined the couple to develop the project. Today, nearly 10,000 vines grow on the estate and 7,500 bottles are produced. The Mission of the owners and their team is to create a sustainable and profitable business that will be recognized by its peers and the community for its production of quality products. In the long term, they will create a unique wine tourism center which will become an essential asset for the entire region of Quebec and Portneuf.
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